[Under Construction]

Flexible plans to satisfy your insurance requirements

You may choose from three available plans:

Plan 1, also called the Inventory Plan, permits you to select only the items you wish to be insured and list these on a separate inventory sheet.

Plan 2, the Blanket Plan, covers your entire collection, without having to submit a written inventory.

Plan 3, covers your layout (excluding rolling stock, which can be covered under one of the above plans).

Each plan includes these features:

Coverage - Your collection and layout are covered whether the damage or loss is caused by fire, vandalism, theft, burglary, lightning, windstorm, flood, earthquake, accidental breakage and many other potential causes of loss.

Location - Items are covered while within the continental United States and Canada. Items are also covered while in transit up to $15,000. Higher transit limits can be negotiated.

Exclusion - Typical exclusions include breakage due to defect in materials, such as warping of castings, wear and tear, unexplained disappearances.

Deductible - Each loss will be subject to a $250 deductible.  If you choose a higher deductible, you may qualify for a reduced rate.


Send mail to timmaier@jabash.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2004 [J. A. Bash and Company]
Last modified: 12/15/14